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The Importance of CTA Buttons in a Squarespace Blog Post

Let’s talk about…blogs! In general, your Squarespace blog posts are meant to inform and educate. They’re used to share information with visitors, build your brand authority, and drive traffic to your website. They can also be used as sales or conversion tools. But they can't do that if you don't give visitors a way to take action!

Our recommendation? Every page of your website should have at least one call-to-action button (CTA) - blogs included!

Why are CTAs important? Let’s start with 4 simple and powerful reasons. CTAs do the following:

  • increase user engagement

  • improve conversion rates

  • help guide visitors to take action or lead them to where you want them to be

  • improve the customer experience

Your Blog Should Support Your Website Goals

Hopefully, your website was designed with intent. Long before the images, fonts, colors, and content are settled on, we ask our clients "What is the goal of your website?" Some of them want to increase sales. Others want to generate leads. Still others use it as a recruitment tool. Sometimes it's a combination of multiple goals!

Ask yourself this same question with your Squarespace blogs - "What is the goal of this blog?" and "How does this blog support our website goals?" Not only will this help you hone in on the purpose of your blog, but it will also help you get clear on what you need your CTA (call-to-action) to do.

Of course, all pages of your website should support your overall website goals. But blogs play a unique and important role in this because they aren’t exactly a sales page and visitors might not come to the blog through your website. For example, they might find your blog through a search result, a social media share, or as a link from another site. 

Let’s play this scenario out… Say a visitor finds your blog from a social media post. Once they get to the end of the blog post, then what? Do you have a way for them to learn more about your business, buy a product, or ask a question? If not, talk about a huge missed opportunity! Actually, not just a missed opportunity, it's a bad business practice. ❌ You never want a website visitor to be on your site thinking, "Now what?"

Website visitors should always be directed/led to take an action. If you leave them hanging, they'll likely just leave the site to go find what they need elsewhere. 

Moral of the story? Adding a Squarespace CTA button to a blog is a simple and effective way to prevent this.

So… How Does Your Website Stack Up?

How many CTAs does your website have? Are they effective? What about your Squarespace blogs? Are you including CTAs on them as well? Book a website audit with me or Alex to see what your website is doing well and where it can be improved. We’re rooting for you!