HeiPro Digital

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5 Essentials to Take into Consideration When Doing Your Website Revamp

A website revamp is more than just an opportunity to update your website with a fresh new look. It's a chance to ask yourself how well your website is functioning.

Is it doing its job of attracting visitors and converting them into leads?

  • Is the information accurate and current? 

  • Does it have all of the features and functions it needs to have like ecommerce capabilities or a lead magnet? 

5 Essentials to Take into Consideration When Doing Your Website Revamp

1. Navigation

Clear, easy-to-follow navigation is an absolute must in any website design. Today's website visitors are internet-savvy; they don't want to waste their time hunting around to find what they are looking for on a site. If they have to do that, chances are they'll leave your site and find an easier-to-navigate competitor. Design your site's navigation menu for quick and efficient use. This means it is easy to find, consistent across pages, and uses obvious names and terms for pages. You can further aid navigation by including calls to action and links throughout your site to guide visitors to relevant pages.

2. Content

People come to websites for information, so you need to provide it. The content of a site gives it substance. It can help improve your SEO, build your brand reputation, keep customers informed and engaged, and direct them to take your desired actions. 

Sites without supporting content like blogs, links to social media mentions, and industry information are viewed less favorably by Google and search engines than sites that have additional content. When choosing between two sites, most consumers will opt for the site that has more content because the company comes across as being more knowledgeable and therefore trustworthy. Bottom line: it's always a good idea to invest in content creation!

3. Mobile-Friendly.

Think about how you access the internet. Is it through your smartphone just as much or even more than a desktop or laptop? If so, you are not alone. Mobile users make up an increasingly larger percentage of web users and that number is only going to increase. Websites MUST be mobile-friendly or you risk turning customers away before they even have a chance to learn about your business. Google is even using search algorithms now that reward sites for being mobile-friendly. Always insist that your site be mobile-responsive. That way, it will be able to deliver a terrific user experience to every visitor, no matter what kind of device they use to access your site. 

4. Supports Business Goals.

Your website should be part of your overall business strategy. Websites are no longer afterthoughts of marketing. They are the way business gets done. Your site should at the very least drive customers to contact you, but it can do so much more. You can add lead magnets like a pricing guide or exclusive download to encourage visitors to join your email list or newsletter. You can add ecommerce functions to allow visitors to make purchases right then and there. You can link to social media to build connections and brand trust with visitors. Think about your business goals and what kind of business you can do through your website, then make sure it is included in your revamp.

5. Speed and Performance.

During a website redesign, you'll want to make sure the new site is appropriate to your bandwidth and storage capacity limits. If your site data is too large for your bandwidth, it will load more slowly or may crash altogether. You may face similar issues with storage space limits, particularly if you have a lot of images or videos on your site. The more data-heavy your site is, the more storage space you'll require. One way to get around issues like this is to host videos on sites like YouTube to reduce bandwidth demand on your own site. You will definitely want to keep an eye on these limits as your site progresses and even after it's launched.

Not sure what your site needs? That's why we're here!

It can be overwhelming to think of a website redesign once all the possibilities start going through your head. What do you choose? What do you need? Where do you stop? That's why we're here. 🙃

HeiPro Digital offers website consultations to help you understand your website's performance and identify areas of improvement so you can make informed decisions about your website revamp. 


Schedule a consultation with Alex or Elizabeth online to get started.