The Secret to Getting More Contact Form Conversions From Your Ideal Client

Are you frustrated by views on your contact page but few form fills?

Do you feel like getting your dream client to fill out your contact form is impossible? 

Does your contact form only ask for name, email, subject, and message? 

We want to let you in on a secret - your dream client will fill out your contact form, but she needs a reason to do so and some encouragement. It’s not about how pretty the form is and it’s not about collecting as much information as possible from the one form. 

It’s about creating a client experience that starts on the contact page and leads to your dream client saying YES to working with you. 

Learn how to get your ideal clients to fill out the form on your contact page by following these minor tweaks across your website. 

Let’s take it from the top!

5 Steps to Get Your Dream Client to Fill Out Your Contact Form 

1. All Paths Lead to the Contact Page

If the goal of your website is for visitors to fill out the contact form, every page on your website should somehow naturally lead to your contact page! You can do this through call to action buttons (more on that in a sec), through linking to your contact page on content where it makes sense and by having a conversation. Interested in learning more? Head to our contact page and let us know you’re ready to chat about digital marketing. (See what I did there?!)

2. Calls to Actions Across the Website 

Your website should have calls to action throughout to drive visitors to the page with the form. No, this doesn’t mean jam as many CTA (call to action) buttons as you can on every page! You need to be intentional about when are how you call your dream client to action. Have a goal of at least two calls to action on every page. 

3. Delicious Call to Action 

Now you know you need CTAs but now you need to make it tasty so your dream client is motivated to fill out your form. Tell them why you need them to fill out the form. 

Here are some examples: 

  • By filling out this form I can best be prepared to support you

  • Book your free discovery with me

  • Share some details with me so we can complete your assessment 

  • Let’s talk and see how I can help

Those are much tastier than just “contact me.” Can you think of some other ideas? 

4. Create an Inspiring Form 

Creating an inspiring form is about balance. You need some basic info, but you don’t need to overwhelm your dream client. Don’t have generic form questions - name, email, subject. Unfortunately, because that form is so generic someone may not think you even care about what they fill out. Instead, ask for basic information and then ask a few intentional great questions so that it not only qualifies the person filling out the form but they know you actually care about thoughtful responses. Look at our form for a great example. 

5. Share Next Steps Right Then and There

A great psychological tactic is to create a series of 2 to 4 steps as to what your process is. People are more willing to proceed if they know what’s next for them. If they don’t know what will happen after they fill out your form they may be less inclined to fill it out. So spell out the next steps for them.

For example:

  1. Fill out this form for xyz

  2. We’ll receive your information right away, review, and give you a call within 24 hours

  3. We’ll chat about our process, answer your questions, and make sure we’re a good fit to take the next steps working together!

Also, after your dream client hits “submit” don’t leave her hanging! Either send her an email with the next steps or have it post on the thank you page. Better yet, you can automate emails to be sent on your behalf right after the form is submitted. A thank you page can be simple and say,

“Thanks for taking the time to send this to me and my team! We’ll be in touch within two business days. Have a great day!” 

Something so that she knows you got it on your end and when to expect the next communication. 

Assess the Rest of Your Website with an Expert

Now that you feel confident your dream clients will fill out your contact form, you want to make sure the rest of your website is optimized for success! You can book a 1:1 call with a website expert to create an action plan for your website. Let’s put our heads together and create the next step to transform your build a website that converts while answering alll your website questions!

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